Wednesday, June 13, 2012

9 month check up today!

My baby girl is growing way to fast. We went to Dr. Lenser today for her 9 month check up and she weighs 22 lbs. and 7 oz.s . She is 28 inches long. The Dr. said since she has 6 teethers that she will need to start using a big girl toothbrush and to see a dentist. Which works out perfectly because Dr. Lenser's sister works next door and she is a pediatric dentist. ;0) So we walked next door and got her an appointment for next month.
 I'm so glad I'm home for the summer to be at these appointments and watch her grow. Since I've been home she has pulled herself up on my huge crochet bag, and on people. You will be sitting with her on the floor and she will grab your shirt to stand up. She now army crawls all over the house. We can no longer lay her in our bed while trying to get ready because she will crawl super fast to the edge of the bed to get to you. We have already had to move things so she doesn't touch them. She drives her jeep everywhere around the house and goes really fast. LOL She's eating more solid foods now. She had some grapes in her mesh thing yesterday.  She has had strawberries, banana's, potatoes, sushi rice, and her Nana fed her a brownie the other day.
We have another family reunion this weekend. My Ji-Chan's family,Darice's Dad, so it will be fun to see all of them at my Auntie Monica and Uncle Doug's house in Ballico.
We will be leaving for OR at the end of the month. I can't wait for Jojo to meet our neighbor's up there and see Mom and Hal's house. It will be nice to get out of this hot weather.It is 59 degrees there right now. Can't wait!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

May has gone by and now the fun begins!

Jojo's Vava got her this Elmo chair. She was so excited about it. Can't believe my baby girl will be 9 months, this month.
May was a long exhausting month for us. We celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary and 12 years of being in love. My Mom was so nice to give us some alone time. Not having much time to get out and shop, my gift to my hubby was 12 balloons and I attached love letters to all of them. Her gave me a beautiful necklace that spelled out Josslyn. I LOVE IT! We went to the Giants vs. A's game for my Mother's Day gift. We went with some friends and it was our first night away from JoJo. She had stayed at my Mom and Hal's one night before that but it was unplanned and I didn't want to wake her up at 9:30 at night to bring her home. My Mom and I had a spa party and it didn't get done till late.

Giants vs. A's game with our homiez. A's won!!!!
My baby sister.. All grown up and going to high school in Aug.
My sister graduated 8th grade. I can't believe she's gonna be a freshman. Makes me realize how fast Jojo will grow. Can't believe in 3 months my baby will be a year old. I had my last day of work on the 25th. WHEW! What a year. 4 one on ones in one year. TOO CRAZY! Next year I hope to just have one, and no craziness. * fingers crossed*

Katie with Jossy =0)
I've missed seeing and being around Katie this year. I miss her so much and hope we can see more of each other over the summer. I took Jossy over to see the Resso's. She had way too much fun with the Resso girls. Kate kept kissing her and Josslyn couldn't get enough.

Loving on her cousin Kyle. =0D
Even though it's only the 5th of June, so many things have happened since I've been off work already. 3 graduation parties, my Sister's, my cousin Blake, and my cousin Caleb. My Nana is here visiting from San Diego, got to see her twice. We had a family reunion on my Mom's Mother's side. I went to the dentist. Ro will also be going to the dentist this week. Got to see my Aunt Chrissy, Uncle George, and cousin Kyle. Got to celebrate my cousin Kyle's 16th birthday.

Our weather has been crazy. It rained yesterday.. Raining in June. I kinda liked it, but sad it ruined our pool party. Ro took the day off so he could see Jojo's first time in the pool. It was a no go. =0( Hopefully soon.

Can't wait for more fun adventures this summer!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Crazy,sad, fun March...

The beginning of March was fun. My Mom bought Jojo a jumper. She's loves that thing! We went to the annual Crab feed we go to every year. My Mom and I went and played Bunco and I won some yummy goodies there. Then March 10th, our March got sad. I got a call from my Daddy letting me know that my Grandpa Fuller had passed. I was both sad and relieved that he was not in pain anymore and no longer suffering. We packed up and headed to SD to be with family. It was hard saying goodbye to Grandpa. I'm so blessed to have a wonderful hubby that drove Josslyn and I 500 miles to be there. He's the best!!

I love this picture of my Grandpa. He's in his element, in the water and sun.

When we got back from SD things started going good and crazy. LOL Jojo is now able to sit up by herself for a long period of time and I also got a new job. Both things we think were helped by Grandpa. ;0)
I started my new job this week and the crazy part is I haven't spent a whole day with this boy yet because his behavior is so out of control. I got him to do some work today though. That's a gold star for the day for me. =0)
Jojo also went to the Dr. this week for her 6 month shots. She is 20 pounds!!! A size of a 9 month old. Goodness gracious! No wonder my back hurts.
We have a 1st birthday party to go to at the end of the month. We can't wait. Jojo's first birthday party. I heard there will be 30 kids there!! It will be tons of fun. I'm sure of it.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Josslyn's first trip to San Diego

My Aunt Kim, her boyfriend Rob, my cousin Hayley, cousin Ben, Aunt Elizabeth, Uncle Brandon, cousin Jacob, and Jordan all came out from North Carolina to be with my Grandparents for Christmas. So we all got in the car and drove to SD. Ro, Josslyn, and I in one car and my Dad, Darice, and Seester in the other. This was Josslyn's first long road trip. She did really good. She was so happy to be meeting all her family from NC and her Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma Fuller. We also went to celebrate my Nana's 96th birthday. YES 96!!!! She is doing great! She's still cooking and shopping, her two favorite things to do. We had Chinese food, to celebrate. She couldn't get enough of Jojo. I felt bad telling her she had to go to bed. She says she will be here for Josslyn's first birthday in Sept. =0)She also met her Aunt Judy, Uncle Don, cousin Brian and his girlfriend Jess.Also Uncle Ken and cousin Ronnie came from Sacramento later in the week. Then we went over to my Uncle Will, Aunt Cyndi, cousin Ally, and cousin Bryce and spent some time over there. Then our last night we had dinner at my Uncle Roger, and Aunt Charlotte's house. So she met a lot of family.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

At peace

So we had our monthly cousins day on Mon. and it was at my Aunt Charlotte's house. She's my Grandma's sister. She told me she had a dream that my Great Grandma (Gamough) and her were sitting in her living room looking at pictures of Josslyn and my Gamough kept telling her that's Josslyn, Jackie's baby. Aunt Charlotte kept telling her " Yes, Mom I know." Aunt Charlotte told her there were more pictures of Jojo on my Facebook so they went online to look and I guess Gamough told her, well I don't have that picture. So my Aunt told her ok well I will let Jackie know. Then she woke up.
I had a hard time dealing with my Gamough not being here during my pregnancy and not being there for her birth and now. Especially around this time is hard without her. Everyone got together at her house on Christmas Eve. The past 3 years since she has been gone, I haven't really seen any family because we don't see each at her house. It makes me feel at peace that she is watching over Josslyn. But I already knew that because Josslyn talks to her when I change her diaper in her room all the time. Jojo stares at the ceiling and smiles and talks. I know she is talking to the angels, my family members that have past. Now I know that one for sure is Gamough.
We love you Gamough and keep watching over us. MUAH!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Mommy's back to work =0(

So this week was my first week back to work. Two weeks earlier than I was suppose to. Glad I called the District though because they would of put me on the sub list when I would of came back the 7th.
When the summer was nearing in May I went to the District to talk to them about me being on Maternity leave and how that would work. They said they would get me a sub starting in Aug. because I wouldn't be coming back when school started because that would be the time when the Dr. would take me off anyways. But they told me to call as soon as I get home from the hospital and let them know so I can start my 6 weeks or 8 weeks off. So I did, I called and I was told to come back Nov. 7. and then the odd thing is they said that I might not go back to my student Erica because her sub might be working out. So then I thought ok.. so then will I not have a job. So I decided last Friday to call and see what was going on. They told me that her sub was working out perfectly and they had 3 positions to fill by Mon. but since I won't be back until the 7th they will just put me on the sub list when I get back. Meaning I won't work everyday.. just when someone is out sick. So I told them well I need a job, so I will call my Dr. and see if I can be released early. So my Dr. faxed the released to Ro's work and I went to go pick it up and then dropped it off Mon. morning and went to Mary Lou Dietrich and told them I was the new aide in Mrs. Velarde's class.
The great thing about my new job is I already know the teacher and classroom aide. I worked with them about 5 years ago. They were Katie's teachers but I wasn't in their room, when she was in there. I just helped them out time to time. I also subbed in there a couple times. There are 17 kids in the class and 6 adults. The teacher, teacher's aide, and 4 one on one's. I am working with a girl named Alissa.. It's Erica's little sister. They look a lot a like and they do a lot of the same things by the way they eat to certain mannerisms. The main thing how they are a like is that they aren't potty trained. So changing diapers again.. =0/ So diaper changing at home and at work.. FUN! lol
The first week was hard for Jossy, as soon as Mommy came home it was like I can't go to sleep Mommy's home. So she was up from 3:15pm-10 pm. She would fight and fight to stay up. I guess since hearing Mommy's voice all day long to only hearing it part of the day was hard for her. But yesterday when I came home she was already asleep so she slept for awhile and then went back to sleep after she woke up for awhile. I guess she must of heard it was Fri. and Mommy would be home for the weekend. ;0)
Hopefully this weekend she will go back to her sleeping schedule. We will see.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

First time at a restaurant..

So the 19th was my Dad's birthday and we went to Modesto Sukiyaki on the 20th to celebrate. Of course Jojo slept the whole time except when Uncle David messed with her feet. :0/ Stinky Uncle Dad made her upset! It was nice to go out to dinner with the whole family for her first time. My Dad, Step-Mom, my Sister, Uncle David, and Aunt Kim. We got a lot of special dishes not on the menu, they were so yummy. Even I got to eat sashimi which I have missed so bad. It was so fresh it was like it melted in my mouth! YUM YUM! We had a lot of fun and Dad got some nice gifts.